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Far Reach????!!!

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Far Reach????!!! Empty Far Reach????!!!

Post by SharBar57 Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:07 pm

P.S. In addition, if Hitler were running against Obama then you would vote for him because of your hatred of Obama? That's what I get from all of your posts and inuendos concerning one of the best Presidents we have ever had. Are you sure your hatred is not based on the color of his skin????[/quote]

It's hilarious to watch this type of reach. So what if Chavez or Castro were running against Obama? Would Snooker (or I) vote for him because it's Obama or he is black??? Give me a break. If someone left of Obama were somehow running against Obama...I'd vote for Obama. This isn't rocket science Sharon. It is plain as day... Snooker and I disagree with Obama's policies and ideology. Because Romney, who is far from perfect in my eyes, is more conservative than Obama...I vote for Romney and won't even give Obama consideration. reaching requred!!!

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I certainly wouldn't call it a "reach" by any imagination. Both of you are so far right you are going to fall off that cliff if you don't "reach" for something to hang on to. Neither of you will admit to the failings of Romney. Just because he is conservative is the only reason you say you are going to vote for him. Well, then, my reason for voting for Obama is not just because he is MORE liberal than Romney, it's because he is a helluva lot more qualified to remain President than ala carte Romney! Obama is the better man for President and for the past 4 years he has proven that! Now, that a reach? I don't think so, and just because our political views differ (and I mean by a WHOLE lot) doesn't mean that you are more "right" than I am...uh..oh, yeah...I are, but not that kind of right!



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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by meiden Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:37 pm

SharBar57 wrote:P.S. In addition, if Hitler were running against Obama then you would vote for him because of your hatred of Obama? That's what I get from all of your posts and inuendos concerning one of the best Presidents we have ever had. Are you sure your hatred is not based on the color of his skin????

It's hilarious to watch this type of reach. So what if Chavez or Castro were running against Obama? Would Snooker (or I) vote for him because it's Obama or he is black??? Give me a break. If someone left of Obama were somehow running against Obama...I'd vote for Obama. This isn't rocket science Sharon. It is plain as day... Snooker and I disagree with Obama's policies and ideology. Because Romney, who is far from perfect in my eyes, is more conservative than Obama...I vote for Romney and won't even give Obama consideration. reaching requred!!!

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I certainly wouldn't call it a "reach" by any imagination. Both of you are so far right you are going to fall off that cliff if you don't "reach" for something to hang on to. Neither of you will admit to the failings of Romney. Just because he is conservative is the only reason you say you are going to vote for him. Well, then, my reason for voting for Obama is not just because he is MORE liberal than Romney, it's because he is a helluva lot more qualified to remain President than ala carte Romney! Obama is the better man for President and for the past 4 years he has proven that! Now, that a reach? I don't think so, and just because our political views differ (and I mean by a WHOLE lot) doesn't mean that you are more "right" than I am...uh..oh, yeah...I are, but not that kind of right!

Sharon [/quote]

Do you even read the posts Sharon? I've said many times that Romney has failings. On the conservative spectrum he is only slightly right of Bush who was only slightly right of center. Both are federalists and happy to have as much redistribution of wealth and Washington control that will get them elected. Obama isn't more qualified to be President than you are Sharon...he never managed a restaurant let alone a company and the last four years has proven that. The worst recovery in history, 8+% unemployment (when you don't cook the books), sky high gas prices, food prices shooting up, the housing market still in the tank, even his Secretary of State yesterday talked about an ever more dangerous world, ... Name one thing that is "good" right now.

BTW...You can say that both of us are "right".... and in some way I your mind you are right... in my mind I am right. I will try not to call you names or tell you that you are a bad person for believing like you do. I will just attack some of your statements when you say ludicrous stuff like Snooker (or I) would vote for Hitler or I am racist because I disagree with Obama.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:57 pm

The reason you have an Obama too like or hate is probably because the GOP didn't put forth a quality candidate. I really expected the Dems to choose Hillary and I think she would have been a lot better than Obama. But I also feel that with 2008 and the way things were, the presidency was a lose lose situation for anyone. Mike, you are a business owner. Would you try for a job that you don't think you could do correctly? I wouldn't. I have turned down jobs that I knew wouldn't work right.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:40 am

Dan, every man that has ever done anything worthwhile has had to prioritize his opportunities. Often it is which will work out better, however, there are some that just plain look awful, and prob'ly are. Having said that, the presidency is always a win win situation. History has treated some very bad presidents rather kindly, especially financially. The very worst modern presidents may have had their public images tarnished, but still made gazillion$$$. Hoover, Nixon, Carter, Shrub, while one of the best was villified while in office, never made much money, but in the end looks head and shoulders above the four I mentioned, Harry S Truman. BTW, this tells you how smart the money men on Wall Street are; The stock market has advanced more under Democratic administrations than it has under Republicans since 1900, yet the gurus on the street keep supporting republicans. Does that make sense to you? [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by meiden Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:07 am

CorvetteDan wrote:The reason you have an Obama too like or hate is probably because the GOP didn't put forth a quality candidate. I really expected the Dems to choose Hillary and I think she would have been a lot better than Obama. But I also feel that with 2008 and the way things were, the presidency was a lose lose situation for anyone. Mike, you are a business owner. Would you try for a job that you don't think you could do correctly? I wouldn't. I have turned down jobs that I knew wouldn't work right.

I absolutely agree with you Dan. The GOP turned to a completely inept national politician in 2008. To that point we had two incapable candidates, one showed his inability to even manage a campaign and the other has shown his inability to manage the nation. This year we have one terrible choice (Obama) and one who has at least had some management experience though I'm not even sold that he can manage these issues.

One thing I'll say in Obama's's a tough damn job. My problem with Obama is his cockiness and arrogance that he could do all he promised without a lick of experience. We see the results of that OJT.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by meiden Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:10 am

RLMcB wrote:Dan, every man that has ever done anything worthwhile has had to prioritize his opportunities. Often it is which will work out better, however, there are some that just plain look awful, and prob'ly are. Having said that, the presidency is always a win win situation. History has treated some very bad presidents rather kindly, especially financially. The very worst modern presidents may have had their public images tarnished, but still made gazillion$$$. Hoover, Nixon, Carter, Shrub, while one of the best was villified while in office, never made much money, but in the end looks head and shoulders above the four I mentioned, Harry S Truman. BTW, this tells you how smart the money men on Wall Street are; The stock market has advanced more under Democratic administrations than it has under Republicans since 1900, yet the gurus on the street keep supporting republicans. Does that make sense to you? [url=
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RL...makes all the sense in the world to me. Look at the biggest moves under Obama's administration...when did they happen? QE1 and QE2. It's easy. The fed supports the financial system taking away risk and the street loves it. Every time there is a "pump", regardless of the long term detriment, the street responds favorably. Just wait to see the move should a QE3 become reality. It's not rocket science. Nothing in the technical fundamentals points to a strong market yet we are sitting at over 1400.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:23 am

Here is a thought. Whether the market goes up or down, the amount of money out there is still the same. Just when it goes down it wound up in someone's pocket.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by SharBar57 Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:39 am

meiden wrote:
SharBar57 wrote:P.S. In addition, if Hitler were running against Obama then you would vote for him because of your hatred of Obama? That's what I get from all of your posts and inuendos concerning one of the best Presidents we have ever had. Are you sure your hatred is not based on the color of his skin????

It's hilarious to watch this type of reach. So what if Chavez or Castro were running against Obama? Would Snooker (or I) vote for him because it's Obama or he is black??? Give me a break. If someone left of Obama were somehow running against Obama...I'd vote for Obama. This isn't rocket science Sharon. It is plain as day... Snooker and I disagree with Obama's policies and ideology. Because Romney, who is far from perfect in my eyes, is more conservative than Obama...I vote for Romney and won't even give Obama consideration. reaching requred!!!

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I certainly wouldn't call it a "reach" by any imagination. Both of you are so far right you are going to fall off that cliff if you don't "reach" for something to hang on to. Neither of you will admit to the failings of Romney. Just because he is conservative is the only reason you say you are going to vote for him. Well, then, my reason for voting for Obama is not just because he is MORE liberal than Romney, it's because he is a helluva lot more qualified to remain President than ala carte Romney! Obama is the better man for President and for the past 4 years he has proven that! Now, that a reach? I don't think so, and just because our political views differ (and I mean by a WHOLE lot) doesn't mean that you are more "right" than I am...uh..oh, yeah...I are, but not that kind of right!


Do you even read the posts Sharon? (Do you even read the posts, Mike?)I've said many times that Romney has failings. (I have not read one thing against Romney from you nor Snooker!) On the conservative spectrum he is only slightly right of Bush who was only slightly right of center. Both are federalists and happy to have as much redistribution of wealth and Washington control that will get them elected. Obama isn't more qualified to be President than you are Sharon (Now I would call that a reach...and enormous one at that!)...he never managed a restaurant (LOL...neither did I!) let alone a company and the last four years has proven that. The worst recovery in history, 8+% (under 8%, Mike!) unemployment (when you don't cook the books (so you are buying into that mularky, too, Mike? Thought you were smarter than that!)sky high gas prices,(prices were low when Obama took office because of the "depression" we were in and with the improvement in the economy and the greed of the oil companies gas prices it's no wonder that gas prices should rise...and you call yourself an economist?) food prices shooting up, the housing market still in the tank, ( actually the housing market has improved since Obama took over Bush's mess as has the economy...look at the stock market...the wealthy are doing just great, but the "trickle down" doesn't seem to be working!) even his Secretary of State yesterday talked about an ever more dangerous world, (I don't deny that fact and it has been a more dangerous world ever since 9/11 under Bush's watch...don't forget that, Mike! But, at least Obama had the "balls" and fortitude to "get" bin Laden...Bush couldn't be bothered. I think that is one helluva "good" thing that has happened under Obama's watch!) ... Name one thing that is "good" right now. (I have already mentioned just a few of the MANY "things" that the Obama administration has done with no help from the obstructionist Tea Partiers! Again...I listed over 20 "things" including laws that have been "good" for our country, but you being who you are can't see this. It's an Obama "thing" "guys" hate him...and it's not just for what he stands for!)

BTW...You can say that both of us are "right".... and in some way I your mind you are right... in my mind I am right. I will try not to call you names or tell you that you are a bad person for believing like you do. I will just attack some of your statements when you say ludicrous stuff like Snooker (or I) would vote for Hitler or I am racist because I disagree with Obama.

Ok, then...would you vote for the likes of Sarah Palin, or Michelle Bachmann, or Jan Brewer, or lets say...Christine O'Donnell if they were running against Obama? Oh, and how about a Todd Atkins? Conservatives all of them, and "empty heads" as well, and can you HONESTLY say anyone of them would be qualified to govern this country better than Obama? Yeah...I would! I still can't understand how you and other so-called conservatives believe in Romney "the hypocrite" and what he stands for now: he was for legal abortion before he was against it; he was for "universal" healthcare and the "individual mandate" before he was against it, He was a moderate conservative who ran for governor of Mass and now he is a "severly?" coservative who is running for President. He did NOT balance the budget in Mass and left them with high unemployment and the worst jobs creation in the U.S. I liked his father very much and would have voted for him if he had won the nomination of the "Grand Old Party" for President, but he was too honest and too much a humanist to be a viable candidate in the "dog eat dog" political world. In this case, the "apple" did fall FAR from the tree and the son turned out to be not one ounce the man the father was!



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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:57 pm

There is an article floating around this morning. It states that no president has any control over gas prices. This I knew before this story ever came out. Crude oil is a market commodity. And it isn't controlled by it's availability, but rather the perception of it's availability. Now the Canadien pipeline. Any one familiar with that one? Well, it is sand oil. They pump sludge across our border. Then we extract the oil but we still keep the rest. Hmm... why does that sound a lot like cleaning up a Gulf oil spill?

Obama is a millionaire. He wasn't born that way, but it doesn't seem like he lived in the Ghetto either. I think that he did have a confusing childhood. But he did make his fortune himself which is quite similar to running a company. He is a Harvard Law graduate. Harvard Law does not rate their graduates but Obama did get an award for the highest GPA in his class. The man is not stupid and from his childhood he knows how the other 99% live. Romney was born with a 2 ton silver spoon in his mouth. Having a successful company is very easy with unlimited assets. And paying the employees with your pocket change makes failure difficult. Mike, I realize it can be difficult for you, because you like me valued your employees and rewarded them accordingly. But that good treatment comes out of the profit. We also were not sending paychecks to India and China and sticking our money in an offshore bank. Sit back and really think about that for a minute.

In 2008 the housing market was vastly overrated. I built one project in Kensington, MD of 25 townhouses. I started in Feb and the sale price was $169,000. When the last was completed in Sept of that same year. They were selling at $289,000. Every unit was exactly the same. That is 6 months later. You know that can't be normal.

Is Obama the answer????? Who knows. Romney??? He's the nightmare. He has no answer. His statements?? Mostly they have no merit. When you are trying to get a job, you say what you need to.

Complaint about lack of knews released on the Lybia incident. Look at it this way. When the police are doing a crime scene the do not send out a copy of the evidence to the news. They have a case to solve.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Dawildboar Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:17 pm

BTW, this tells you how smart the money men on Wall Street are; The stock market has advanced more under Democratic administrations than it has under Republicans since 1900, yet the gurus on the street keep supporting republicans. Does that make sense to you?

Return after taxes is what matters my friend.

Some people think that capital gains should be taxed less than blood, sweat and tears. And when you make more capital gains than you bleed, sweat or cry...You vote for those people.pirat

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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by meiden Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:51 pm

SharBar57 wrote:I've said many times that Romney has failings. (I have not read one thing against Romney from you nor Snooker!)

I'll make sure I point them out for you Sharon.

last four years has proven that. The worst recovery in history, 8+% (under 8%, Mike!) unemployment (when you don't cook the books (so you are buying into that mularky, too, Mike? Thought you were smarter than that!)

Sharon, you do realize that the net increase of people taking jobs between August and September would've had to be over 700,000 to get that kind of a drop? Listen...there are two ways to create a downward move in a percentage...decrease the numerator or increase the denominator. The numerator in this fraction is the number of people actively looking for a job. When that number drops (labor participation rate) the percentage decreases. So...if that number stayed the same...the denominator (total number of people working) would have to have grown by 700,000. We have a 1.3% gdp, no huge drop in unemployment claims and some pretty benign durable orders, retail sales and housing markets. THere is no way in hell 700,000 more people are working now then they were last month while the labor partication rate drops. I am smart enough to know the 7.8% is mularky.

sky high gas prices,(prices were low when Obama took office because of the "depression" we were in and with the improvement in the economy and the greed of the oil companies gas prices it's no wonder that gas prices should rise...and you call yourself an economist?)

First off I'm not an economist but it seems I understand it as well as most. You do realize the economy isn't booming right? You also realize that a bunch of new management didn't just join the oil companies wherein they weren't greedy in 2008 but suddenly are greedy right? That lame argument holds merit only if we have a booming economy causing oil prices to rise but last I looked we have a worldwide recession and the US is a 1.3% gdp. I also am betting everything that I have that the people who are and were running the oil companies were just as greedy then as they are now.

food prices shooting up, the housing market still in the tank, ( actually the housing market has improved since Obama took over Bush's mess as has the economy...look at the stock market...the wealthy are doing just great, but the "trickle down" doesn't seem to be working!)

It's still in the tank. Maybe slightly less of a tank but a tank nonetheless. BTW...exactly which policy implemented by Obama has helped the housing market at least begin a recovery?

even his Secretary of State yesterday talked about an ever more dangerous world, (I don't deny that fact and it has been a more dangerous world ever since 9/11 under Bush's watch...don't forget that, Mike! But, at least Obama had the "balls" and fortitude to "get" bin Laden...Bush couldn't be bothered. I think that is one helluva "good" thing that has happened under Obama's watch!) ...

Really? That took fortitude? BTW...I guess on MOnday Obama can spend the 90 minutes talking about bin Laden as he has nothing else to talk about with the middle east and northern Africa crumbling around him, Iran within a year from a bomb, Syria in an all out civil war and China and Russia pushing us around like a rag doll.

Name one thing that is "good" right now. (I have already mentioned just a few of the MANY "things" that the Obama administration has done with no help from the obstructionist Tea Partiers! Again...I listed over 20 "things" including laws that have been "good" for our country, but you being who you are can't see this. It's an Obama "thing" "guys" hate him...and it's not just for what he stands for!)

Again I ask...what? You've mentioned bin Laden and somehow claim that a housing market still well below any time except the past four abysmal years is a good thing. Where were those 20 things? I don't see them in this post. And again...please quit calling me a racist. At this point should you do it again after I've asked not to, you no longer go from someone that I disagree with but to someone who is actively hateful towards me and one that I don't need to acknowledge for politics or football.

Ok, then...would you vote for the likes of Sarah Palin, or Michelle Bachmann, or Jan Brewer, or lets say...Christine O'Donnell if they were running against Obama?

Yes, why? I know how Obama votes and think that any of those would vote for at least slightly less federal intrusion. Now if you want an example of a woman (noting your pattern above) I'd say my favorite option would be Condoleesa Rice.

Oh, and how about a Todd Atkins? Conservatives all of them, and "empty heads" as well, and can you HONESTLY say anyone of them would be qualified to govern this country better than Obama?

Not sure but I'd bet on them...if you are just asking about qualified to govern...the answer is they certainly couldn't do worse than Obama who has PROVEN he can't govern. What you don't get or are just too hateful to see is that the only way I vote for Obama is if he ran against someone more left than he. It's that simple.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by meiden Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:06 pm

CorvetteDan wrote:There is an article floating around this morning. It states that no president has any control over gas prices. This I knew before this story ever came out. Crude oil is a market commodity. And it isn't controlled by it's availability, but rather the perception of it's availability. Now the Canadien pipeline. Any one familiar with that one? Well, it is sand oil. They pump sludge across our border. Then we extract the oil but we still keep the rest. Hmm... why does that sound a lot like cleaning up a Gulf oil spill?

Dan, I disagree that the president has no control over oil prices. It's all about supply and demand. In 2007 the economy was cranking and the price of gas was $2.5-$3. It went under $2 when the economy crashed. Bush didn't show the leadership necessary to reign in the Congress from encouraging bad home loans and repealing too many banking regulations and banks from shirking the risk by creating collateralized debt. Still, while the economy was humming along between 4-5% gdp, oil prices stayed low...why? Because of a real push for supply and a drive toward natural gas. Obama has now issued 1/3 the permits for new wells that were issued under the last three years of the Bush admin. Speculators see that as a show that supply will decrease. Obama has invested three times as much into renewables as he has oil and is working to crush the coal industry...demand is staying about the same even with slowing growth around the world to make up for the energy loss from the pressure on coal. This drives up prices of oil.

Obama is a millionaire. He wasn't born that way, but it doesn't seem like he lived in the Ghetto either. I think that he did have a confusing childhood. But he did make his fortune himself which is quite similar to running a company. He is a Harvard Law graduate. Harvard Law does not rate their graduates but Obama did get an award for the highest GPA in his class. The man is not stupid and from his childhood he knows how the other 99% live. Romney was born with a 2 ton silver spoon in his mouth. Having a successful company is very easy with unlimited assets. And paying the employees with your pocket change makes failure difficult. Mike, I realize it can be difficult for you, because you like me valued your employees and rewarded them accordingly. But that good treatment comes out of the profit. We also were not sending paychecks to India and China and sticking our money in an offshore bank. Sit back and really think about that for a minute.

Dude...i"ve thought about this for a LONG time. It's not difficult for me at all. First off Romney's silver spoon was taken away at the age of 21 and he lived in a two bedroom apartment with 3 kids using an ironing board for a kitchen table. read his whole story. Romeny absolutely knows how the "other 99%"'s a little arrogant to think otherwise. You do realize that obama has money in offshore bank accounts right? Have jobs from some of Bain's work gone overseas? Absolutely. Have jobs from the policies of Obama and other politicians forced jobs overseas? At a MUCH bigger clip than anything Bain has done. This is what kills me. Our burdensome tax policy has pushed FAR, FAR more jobs to India and China than anything that Bain has ever done. Where is the outrage?

Is Obama the answer????? Who knows. Romney??? He's the nightmare. He has no answer. His statements?? Mostly they have no merit. When you are trying to get a job, you say what you need to.

And this is the crux of our disagreement. You say "who knows" about Obama and that Romney is a nightmer. I say the complete opposite. I say Obama has PROVEN he is a nightmare given the state of the economy and the world today. The fact that we have lost our top credit rating and have $1T in deficits as far as the eye can see, a world recession with absolutely no leadership from America, a geopolitical environment that is as bad as it's been worldwide since WWII. Is Romeny the answer? That is the one where you say "who knows". We have no record of him running the federal government...we do for Obama and it's not pretty.

Complaint about lack of knews released on the Lybia incident. Look at it this way. When the police are doing a crime scene the do not send out a copy of the evidence to the news. They have a case to solve.

No...but what they DON'T do is blame one party right away as the adminsitration did blaming the video.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:47 pm


Last edited by Snooker28 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:52 am; edited 2 times in total


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by SharBar57 Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:34 am

[quote="meiden"][quote="SharBar57"]I've said many times that Romney has failings. (I have not read one thing against Romney from you nor Snooker!)

I'll make sure I point them out for you Sharon.

last four years has proven that. The worst recovery in history, 8+% (under 8%, Mike!) unemployment (when you don't cook the books (so you are buying into that mularky, too, Mike? Thought you were smarter than that!)

Sharon, you do realize that the net increase of people taking jobs between August and September would've had to be over 700,000 to get that kind of a drop? Listen...there are two ways to create a downward move in a percentage...decrease the numerator or increase the denominator. The numerator in this fraction is the number of people actively looking for a job. When that number drops (labor participation rate) the percentage decreases. So...if that number stayed the same...the denominator (total number of people working) would have to have grown by 700,000. We have a 1.3% gdp, no huge drop in unemployment claims and some pretty benign durable orders, retail sales and housing markets. THere is no way in hell 700,000 more people are working now then they were last month while the labor partication rate drops. I am smart enough to know the 7.8% is mularky.

sky high gas prices,(prices were low when Obama took office because of the "depression" we were in and with the improvement in the economy and the greed of the oil companies gas prices it's no wonder that gas prices should rise...and you call yourself an economist?)

First off I'm not an economist but it seems I understand it as well as most. You do realize the economy isn't booming right? You also realize that a bunch of new management didn't just join the oil companies wherein they weren't greedy in 2008 but suddenly are greedy right? That lame argument holds merit only if we have a booming economy causing oil prices to rise but last I looked we have a worldwide recession and the US is a 1.3% gdp. I also am betting everything that I have that the people who are and were running the oil companies were just as greedy then as they are now.

food prices shooting up, the housing market still in the tank, ( actually the housing market has improved since Obama took over Bush's mess as has the economy...look at the stock market...the wealthy are doing just great, but the "trickle down" doesn't seem to be working!)

It's still in the tank. Maybe slightly less of a tank but a tank nonetheless. BTW...exactly which policy implemented by Obama has helped the housing market at least begin a recovery?

even his Secretary of State yesterday talked about an ever more dangerous world, (I don't deny that fact and it has been a more dangerous world ever since 9/11 under Bush's watch...don't forget that, Mike! But, at least Obama had the "balls" and fortitude to "get" bin Laden...Bush couldn't be bothered. I think that is one helluva "good" thing that has happened under Obama's watch!) ...

Really? That took fortitude? BTW...I guess on MOnday Obama can spend the 90 minutes talking about bin Laden as he has nothing else to talk about with the middle east and northern Africa crumbling around him, Iran within a year from a bomb, Syria in an all out civil war and China and Russia pushing us around like a rag doll.

Name one thing that is "good" right now. (I have already mentioned just a few of the MANY "things" that the Obama administration has done with no help from the obstructionist Tea Partiers! Again...I listed over 20 "things" including laws that have been "good" for our country, but you being who you are can't see this. It's an Obama "thing" "guys" hate him...and it's not just for what he stands for!)

Again I ask...what? You've mentioned bin Laden and somehow claim that a housing market still well below any time except the past four abysmal years is a good thing. Where were those 20 things? I don't see them in this post. And again...please quit calling me a racist. At this point should you do it again after I've asked not to, you no longer go from someone that I disagree with but to someone who is actively hateful towards me and one that I don't need to acknowledge for politics or football.

Ok, then...would you vote for the likes of Sarah Palin, or Michelle Bachmann, or Jan Brewer, or lets say...Christine O'Donnell if they were running against Obama?

Yes, why? I know how Obama votes and think that any of those would vote for at least slightly less federal intrusion. Now if you want an example of a woman (noting your pattern above) I'd say my favorite option would be Condoleesa Rice.

Oh, and how about a Todd Atkins? Conservatives all of them, and "empty heads" as well, and can you HONESTLY say anyone of them would be qualified to govern this country better than Obama?

Not sure but I'd bet on them...if you are just asking about qualified to govern...the answer is they certainly couldn't do worse than Obama who has PROVEN he can't govern. What you don't get or are just too hateful to see is that the only way I vote for Obama is if he ran against someone more left than he. It's that simple.

It is useless for me to quote facts to the likes of empty headed right wing extremists who pray for the continued slow grow of the economy and the continual decline of our that bush almost drove into oblivion. Obama's leadership and policies brought us out of the depths of hell! If you can't see that the economy has improved even with no help from the Obstrutionist Party, then you are blind and it is useless for me to continue this discussion.

I vote Democratic because I believe in their philosophy and ideals. I don't vote Republican because I believe in a governmnet of the people, by the people, and for the people...not for corporations, nor the big oil companies and the wealthy CEO's who are power hungry and want to rule our lives! Not only will I not discuss this anymore, it is a waste of time and yours. I know that the majority of the voters have made of their mind whom they are going to vote for. If there are any undecided voters out there, then they must have had their head in the sand for the past EIGHT years. Big difference between Bush and Obama...what else do they have to compare? Romany has done not one single thing for this country. I rest my case!



Posts : 151
Join date : 2012-02-12

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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:47 am


Last edited by Snooker28 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:53 am; edited 2 times in total


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:14 pm

They tell us what kind of lightbulbs we can use, what
kind of toilets we can have, what we can and cannot eat, what kind of
fuel we burn in our cars, what crops farmers can and cannot grow, what
livestock farmers can raise or not raise, what kind of health care we
have or choose not to have, what kind of appliances we must buy, what
kind of wood burning stoves and fireplaces we can have to supplement
energy costs. The EPA now has juristiction over all water, not just
navigable waters. They can fabricate a reason to shut down any farm or
confiscate any private property simply on charges of misusing a pond or
well that happens to be on the property.
Snooker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snook, I have a question for you. What are your thoughts on title 9?


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:55 pm


Last edited by Snooker28 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:19 am; edited 1 time in total


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:36 pm

RL......if you are talking about girls/women vs boys/men equal
opportunity in sports, I say title 9 is a good thing at the High School
level because programs are not as expensive to run. It's bit more iffy
at the college level. If you take the University of Michigan for
example, their football program takes in enough in revenues to subsidize
collectively, all the womens and mens sports programs available to the
entire student body. How do you divide that equally? I mean you have one
program literally carrying the schools entire athlectic department.
It's a tough nut to crack. For 40 years no one has really come up with a
fair solution. I do think any Federal subsidies at the college level
and State subsidies at the high school level should be split right down
the middle.
Snooker, I'm not familiar enough with the regulations on Title 9 as far as what the difference is between high school and college. However, I don't believe there are any federal funds involved at the college level. If a college can;t afford a sport for women then they must cut a matching sport for men, as I understand it. Universities like all the big fiootball conferences have no problem supporting womens sports. Even much smaller schools like West Yippahoopy U can because their football team goes and gets beaten like a rented mule at places like FSU, UM, Ala, Tx, and Okie U for a huge payday to take home.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:10 am


Last edited by Snooker28 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:17 am; edited 1 time in total


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:38 am

Snooker, I used the title nine program as an example of the feds stepping into a vacuum that was not adequately addressed by the states. What has been wrought is not perfect and never will be, because we are human, however it is far better than it was before. At least it was fashioned by democratic means. Democratic as in democracy, not the party. Whereas the old Soviet Union had strong women's sports programs without benefit of any democracy. I think none of us want that. We have discussed different government programs here, and prob'ly will some more going forward, none I know of, can be termed perfect. Some I would prefer being amended, others tweaked to improve, and the best way I see to do that is bi-partisan, neither party has all the answers. The Republicans as I see them have stopped all compromising in an attempt defeat Obama. It has not worked out for them, and this election will bring that home to them. I'm hoping it will bring them to the table to work on the countries problems. Contrary to all the chicken littles the sky is not falling. Go back exactly 70 years, that was a "Sky falling" time, yet we survived stronger than any country on earth, every person did what was best for the USA, we were a nation indivisible. We must return to that spirit to be great again.


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:56 pm


Last edited by Snooker28 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:14 am; edited 2 times in total


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:52 pm

In all the posts I see here and every where else I see it mention, Socialism keeps coming up. Nothing I see from anywher, from any side or from any place reeks of socialism. And remember, the Soviet Block and China are not Socialist. [more to come later]


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:13 am


Last edited by Snooker28 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:11 am; edited 1 time in total


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:08 pm

From my political sciece classes we learned thst Soviet and Chinese systems were totalitarian societis. which is complete absolute rule by the leadership. Now we don't want Socialism either. Now back in 1971 Nixon inaugurated the price and wage control mandate. Now that was probably socialism. If Obama had the government control the price, that would be socialism. One thing I have read is that we produce more oil than we need and ship it overseas because big oil can sell it to foreign buyers after they refine it here for more than it costs them to import gulf oil. I think a massive export tax might cure that. I am also in favor of import taxes on products and countries that undermine our job growth here. In other words, I would tell the rest of the world "Ok. everybody, out of the pool" I believe in 'buy American'. Just recently we had an instance here. Remember the America, Canada, Mexico free trade bill or whatever it was called? Well, recently Volkswagen opned a plant in Chattanooga. They have since been discussing putting an Audi plant right next to it. They decided on Mexico instead due to the labor cost. Where do you think those cars will be sold?


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Far Reach????!!! Empty Re: Far Reach????!!!

Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:09 pm


Last edited by Snooker28 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:16 am; edited 2 times in total


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